Feb 28, 2014 - 12:44 PM
The price of all the bags we show for immediate sale are stock unprinted bags. To assist you with getting pricing on printed bags we need to have a few minutes of your time to discuss your unique needs to get the pricing calculated. What area of the bags you need to print, what type of paper we would use to make that printing look as expected, what percentage of ink, how many bags you need to order etc. Some customers need only 1000 bags which is a minimum order for this type of product and some custoemrs want 100,000 bags so the prices vary substantially on what it costs to set up and run the printing, how much ink is used, what kind of paper, is it a rush job or a post print job etc. All of these questions we can address if you can call our office at 888-321-2248 and mention you need help with customizing tin tie coffee style bags that have a PLA compostable liner. We may recommend you use a different liner as well depending on your intended use. Thank you!